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It's Juicy Baby!
  • It's Juicy Baby!

    Juicy Strawberry, Juicy Lulo!  What does one mean?  These are coffees that are co-fermented with real fruits.  We got our hands on one that was fermented with strawberries and the other with lulo fruit {aka lil'orange}.  Both coffees are an incredibly magical experience to be had.  Your palate will be pleasantly surprised with this mouth full of delight!  Supplies are limited!  Keep a lil' summer in your spirit while it's still sweet outside!  This coffee is enjoyed hot or cold :)


    Juicy Strawberry & Juicy Lulo 


    Farmer <> Brayan Alvear Las Palmas

    Variety <> Castillo, Caturra, Colombia

    Process <>Fruit Co-Ferment


    Tasting Notes of Juicy Strawberry: Strawberry, Milk Chocolate, Sweet Stone Fruit

    Tasting Notes of Juicy Lulo: Orange Zest, Meyer Lemon, Vanilla Waffer, 70% Dark Chocolate


    Concept & Photoshoot curated by Cute Coffee in Collaboration with Happy Aliens, Dania Cabello, & Sarah Lucia Romero

    Photography<> Marysabel Gainza

    Photo Assistant <>Ana Gainza

    Models<>Dania Cabello, Sarah Lucia Romero, SabreeN NaimaH, BiankA AlloyN


    • This lovely coffee is roasted by BiankA AlloyN with love!  You get 150g to make something beautiful happen :). 

    Strawberry or Lulo?

    © 2024 CutE CoffeE 

    WeBPage DesigN by BiankA AlloyN 

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