Cute Coffee Brew Book
This Cute Coffee Brew Guide / Mini Book is designed to fulfill your visual and taste pleasantries. Thorough brew analysis was done by the Cute Coffee team and friends to develop this little book for ya. You've got detailed brew parameters for Pour Over, Chemex, French Press, Aeropress, Espresso Machine, Coffee Maker/Batch Brew, & Cold Brew. Is that enough for ya:)? Get ya brew gear and taste buds ready for a journey! Thank you for supporting Cute Coffee, dreams, small farm holders, creativity, postive vibrations, and the idea that you too can have delicious brew! HERE WE GOOOOOOO!
Ilustrations and Layout By: BiankA AlloyN 2017
Vectorized By: BrecK OmaR BrunsoN
Design Team: BrecK OmaR BrunsoN, SabreeN NaimaH WilkeS & BiankA AlloyN BrunsoN
One day this 17 page book will be in print. Right now it's digital :)
Cute Coffee {2017}
17 Page PDF File